SofLens Multi-Focal (6 linser)

276 kr

Biotrue ONEday for Presbyopia (30 linser)

190 kr

Bausch & Lomb Ultra with Moisture Seal for Astigmatism (3 linser)

188 kr

SofLens Daily Disposable For Astigmatism (30 linser)

143 kr

SofLens Toric (6 linser)

255 kr

PureVision Multi-Focal (6 linser)

359 kr

Biotrue ONEday for Astigmatism (30 linser)

164 kr

Bausch & Lomb Ultra with Moisture Seal for Presbyopia (3 linser)

236 kr

Bausch & Lomb Ultra with Moisture Seal for Astigmatism (6 linser)

358 kr

PureVision 2 Multi-Focal For Presbyopia (3 linser)

187 kr

PureVision 2 Multi-Focal For Presbyopia (6 linser)

349 kr

Bausch & Lomb Ultra with Moisture Seal for Presbyopia (6 linser)

451 kr